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Must Read Books for Navigating a Crazy World


The topics included here are mixed and cover a wide array of lesser-known issues in American political life. I start with books on 9/11, then proceed back in time through other American historical events with books toward the end of the list being those with more wide-reaching and historically-expansive topics beyond recent American history. 

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA (2005, 2011) is a must to understand the political-governmental connections to the 9/11 attack. Read my review at, where the book can be purchased. The link in the book cover is to the publisher, Progressive Press...I encourage you to look around there too. I highly recommend listening to Webster's World Crisis Radio weekly broadcast found at It's all free!


*If you feel you are ready to dig into the "meat" of how 9/11 happened, listen to Webster describe the 46 drills being conducted on or in proximity to 9/11. This description provides a mechanical overview of how the attack took place: The Last Secret of 9/11Truth: The 46 Drills, War Games, and Operations that Made it all Happen.     


Here are the drills in chart form: The Drills, War Games, Operations.

The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11(2004) was David Ray Griffin's opening salvo in what have become critical books in piecing together the 9/11 attack as a government "false flag" attack, more recently called "State Crimes Against Democracy". It is now out in a new edition.


DRG has written extensively on the topic of 9/11 Truth. Many of these are published by Interlink Books.  Visit the link to see many of the titles DRG has written.


The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11--and America's Response  (2004) This book is the result of the research put together by Paul Thompson in what has developed into the History Commons: Complete 9/11 Timeline.  Thompson is to be commended for his public service and effectively doing the job that an independent media would do, if America had one.

"The War on Freedom (2002) was the first 9/11 Truth book in English. It remains a standard classic reference work that exposes the malfeasance by the Bush cabal that led to the events of 9/11/2001," says the Publisher.


See also the author's sequel The War on Truth (2005) available from Interlink Books.

Welcome to Terrorland (2004, 2007) is a fascinating  portrait of who the hijackers were in their lives in and around Venice, Florida in the months and years before 9/11. Daniel Hopsicker also produced a documentary that is of critical importance to piecing together the 9/11 terror plot. It can be viewed here: Welcome to Terrorland.


Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects  (2013) is a concise "whodunit" and "naming of names"  of the principal characters who were in specific positions of power and would have been the ones called to testify under oath if the 9/11 Commission were it not the whitewash that it was. Good work Kevin Ryan, your book will be a source used at the trial...if ever one comes.

The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism (2013)  is an expose of the law enforcement stings the FBI commits in order to dupe the wider population that there are terrorists after us...which is a complete myth.

The only terrorists out there are the patsies recruited and subsequently set-up by law enforcement or intelligence services (and typically provided with all the material means to commit the crime), or the direct activities of the criminal element embedded in government itself.



The Anthrax Deception: The Case for Domestic Conspiracy (2014) is a revealing investigation of the source of the Anthrax in the days immediately after 9/11. Oh, and what was that source? Fort Detrick.... 

The war on terror is the legacy of 9/11 and it is taken right out of the Nazi playbook...stage an attack...blame an external enemy...seize the opportunity to make war or gain some other political advantage, as the FBI does in the above book. In the end, the people lose as their leaders take advantage of them in the most heinous of ways. 


The connection between today's events and recent history is one of intrigue and war promotion/provocation. Watch this very well-produced documentary-short on "false flag" war provocations. Good work ScootleRoyale!


Trading with the Enemy contains much of the same information as the previous books on this topic, but was published in 1983 and was produced as a mass market paperback. Clearly. there can be an audience for these topics


Conjuring Hitler  (2005) reveals the deep connections between the Nazis and their financiers among the Allies. There is nothing terribly new in this book that hasn't been previously revealed, but maybe that's the point: it is commonly hidden is plain sight the complicity of our greed-mongers and war-mongers and their crimes against us, even to the point of treason.

The Nazi Hydra in America  (1999-2008) is a must read in order to fathom the depth and extent of post-WWII Nazi infiltration into the USA. The level of support for fascists in America's big business and industry is shocking, if not treasonous. Should be read in conjunction with George Seldes' 1943 classic Facts and Fascism (1943).

Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America (2014) is a welcome recent addition to the scholarship on Nazi infiltration into post-WWII America. In many of the topics raised by the books in this list (9/11, Jonestown, UFOs) a direct or indirect historical line can be traced back to the German war machine. 

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America's Nazi Secret (1982/2010) was originally published as The Belarus Secret in 1982 and censured by the CIA.  

An Insider's History of How the United States Department of Justice Obstructed Congress by: Blocking Congressional Investigations into Famous American Families Who Funded Hitler, Stalin and Arab Terrorists; Lying to Congress, the GAO, and the CIA about the Postwar Immigration of Eastern European Nazi War Criminals to the US; and Concealing from the 9/11 Investigators the Role of the Arab Nazi War Criminals in Recruiting Modern Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups.

The Paperclip Conspiracy: The Hunt for Nazi Scientists (1987) ... the first time the full story of the plunder of German science and the consequent protection of a large group of committed Nazis some of who would undoubtedly have been prosecuted as war criminals had they remained in Germany. (From the inside flap) 

The Invisible Government  has been around a while, June 1964 to be precise. Since timing is everything, it appears as though this book was the result of the JFK assassination. The CIA attempted to discredit it, that says something there.

The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994, 2002) provides the historical background of the Federal Reserve, the non-governmental institution that runs the finances of the country. In 1913 under cover of secrecy, an institution was born that is beyond the reach of elected officials except for in the most convoluted and diluted methods...a weakened and neutered Congress is no match for the CEOs of the 12 biggest banks in the country! Control of a nation's money is key to politically controlling the entire country.

Lies My Teacher Told Me  (1995, 2007) should be read by every school teacher, educator and every American. It's no wonder things are the way they are when this is state of affairs: the lies begin in the textbooks our schools use to educate our children. Either edition is a good read and packed with startling revelations about the things we learned from childhood and take for granted as facts as adults.

Mirage Men (2010) This is the book version of the documentary of the same name revealing the history of the UFO phenomenon and the Air Force/Pentagon/CIA's manipulation of the story for public consumption. This book is recommended more so than the documentary, which is nevertheless interesting.

Journey Into Madness (1989) Tells the chilling, fully documents story of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, the eminent Canadian psychiatrist who first pioneered mind control for the CIA. in the 1950s, and takes you inside the ultra-secret torture chambers of his successors to reveal the devastating implications of the partnership between doctors and spies on the future of America and the struggle against world  terrorism. (From the back cover)

The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists (2000) From the cover: ...provides proof, based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act, that there have been pervasive, systematic violations of human rights by American psychiatrists over the last 65 years. As well, he proves that the Manchurian Candidate "super spy" is fact, not fiction. He describes the experiments conducted by psychiatrists to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories in the minds of experimental subjects.

Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? (1988) will not see the light of day if the IG (Invisible Government--see book above with same title if you are unsure what it is meant by "IG") has its way. Read my review at where it can be purchased. The link in the book cover is that of the publisher. 


This book is very expensive to purchase, but it can be read for free here: Was-Jonestown-a-CIA-Medical-Experiment.pdf (San Diego State University).

Michael Meiers was not finished with the Jonestown story when he completed  Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? He continued to follow the leads and ultimately discovered the "mother of all government conspiracies", 9/11 notwithstanding! In Second Holocaust (2013)  the author tightens his story and focuses upon how Jonestown was a conduit for the laboratory-engineered virus known as AIDS.


Read my lengthy review at

The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) is the story of one man's experiences inside the intrigue, greed, corruption, and little-known government and corporate activities that America has been involved in since World War II, and which have dire consequences for the future of democracy and the world. (From the back cover)

NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe (2005)  From the back cover: tells the story of NATO's secret anti-Communist stay-behind armies that were set up by the CIA and MI6 after the Second World War in all countries of Western Europe and that in some countries became tragically linked  to right-wing terrorism. 


It's difficult to accept, but bombings in Europe were done by state actors. These are called "State Crimes Against Democracy". Sadly, they've been a tool of the ruling classes for decades. 

The Complex (2008)  and Kill Anything that Moves (2013)  are two works that reveal the deeper intentions of the military industrial complex.


Watch the PBS interview with Bill Moyers and Nick Turse. This intrepid young scholar deserves a lot of credit for giving us a wider picture of military policies than that of the mainstream media.

The Power Elite (1956) Famed sociologist C. Wright Mills' analysis/diagnosis of American political, financial, and social life. Don't kid yourself there are rulers to society, a "power elite", who largely stay in the background. Hence the term and title of the book above Invisible Government.


We all (mostly all) know about it/them, but choose to not-much acknowledge or speak about them--and it seems to our peril. Every literate American should give this book thoughtful consideration. It appears to me, it is truer than ever sixty-plus years on.

A favored of book of Bill Clinton (for all that's worth!), Tragedy and Hope describes the power relations that have governed the world for the past one hundred and fifty years, by now, given it was first published in 1966.

Why I Write (2005) This book alone explains why a website such as this and the information presented here is necessary for a free and open society. Orwell had a good idea of how imperial powers behave given he was a son of the British empire and served in the police in one of the empire's colonies, Burma specifically.


Orwell cuts through the bluster of political language that is used to control us. A MUST READ.

Conspiracy Theory in America (2013) deHaven-Smith's book is a much-needed read for the alert American in that it contextualizes the history and political formulation of the notion of "conspiracy theories" in America since its founding. As the author notes the founding fathers were keenly aware of British conspiracies to undermine the new colony and so broke-up the powers, leaving us with the tripartate system --judicial, executive and legislative. 


In more recent history, January 1967 to be precise, the CIA (what, them again?!?) injects into the American lexicon the term "conspiracy theory" to refer to those allegations that were beginning to emerge then regarding the JFK assassination and the resulting Warren Commission cover-up. Anyone who questioned the Warren Commission was called a "conspiracy theorist" in publications like TIME, LIFE, Newsweek, et al.


To this day, the CIA's 1967 effort continues to pay the political elites dividends as the American public is conditioned to think that any challenge to government propaganda is merely "conspiracy theory," which include everything today from 9/11 to aliens inhabiting sad...but when cable television stations peddle "Ancient Aliens" as historical fact and plausible theory (as seen on the History Channel, consider that), then it is apparent that the public is ripe for exploitation in any number of ways.  God help us! 

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Religious Delusions, American Style: Manipulations of the Public's Mind 

by Blair Alan Gadsby (Trine Day, 2020) 

Americans would be shocked to understand just how their religious beliefs have been used against them in the political elites' efforts to engineer society and public policy. In this historical overview of key moments in American religious history, Gadsby demonstrates that what we are commonly-taught in our education systems, mass-media and the political world about religions' role in any number of events, is anything but.

     In the spirit of Lies My Teacher Told MeReligious Delusions American Style discusses eight areas in American history ranging from turn-of-the-nineteenth-century eugenics and the Scopes "Monkey" Trial, to the mind-control program known as Jonestown, to the implausible two-planes-three-buildings-straight-down operation called 9/11, we have been deceived in a big way about what has been done in the name of religion.



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April 9, 2020


Blair is interviewed by A.T. Steele (long-time AE9/11Truth activist and host of 9/11 Free Fall) about the book Religious Delusions, American Style and September 11, 2001. 

November 30, 2020


Blair is interviewed by Kris Millegan of Trine Day Books about Religious Delusions, American Style. click icon, go to Podcast #18 

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October 2022

Blair is again interviewed by Kris Millegan of Trine Day Books on the subject of religion being used as a political wedge. 

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Death by Government

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